Article abstract

International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science
Research Article | Published December 2016 | Volume 4, Issue 5, pp. 72-80
Recent advances in molecular tactics for crop improvements
Iqra Ghaffar1
Faiza Shams1
Aleena Khalid2
Fareeha Ashraf1
Raima Rehman2
Muhammad Irfan Fareed3*
Email Author
Tel: 008613093458813.
1. Virology Lab, Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Plant Biotechnology Lab., Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.
3. Department of Genetics, Lab 916, School of life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China.
Citation: Ghaffar I, Shams F, Khalid A, Ashraf F, Rehman R, Fareed MI (2016). Recent advances in molecular tactics for crop improvements. Int. J. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 4(5): 72-80.
With the increasing volume of world population there is relative increased demand of food. Conventional breeding methods are no longer viable to overcome this situation. The fields of biotechnology and molecular biology have revolutionized agriculture and farming methods. To improve the current agronomic practice, the conventional plant breeding techniques are being integrated with the novel molecular methods in a very impetus manner. In this review we discuss some molecular approaches and biotechnology tools for the production of diverse and better yielding plant varieties. Plants resistant to biotic and abiotic stress, tolerant to drought or other harsh environmental conditions has been produced. The genetic architecture of target plants can be altered and improved by using transgenes. Advanced functional genomics studies provide better understanding of plant genome and help in modifying it. RNA interference, next generation
sequencing (NGS) and nanotechnology have become promising techniques for improving crop according to future needs.
Tissue culture
transformation RNA interference next generation sequencing nanotechnology
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