Article abstract

International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science
Research Article | Published June 2017 | Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 18-22
Effect of decorticating and cooking lablab seeds on performance and cost of producing table rabbits
David Terhemba Shaahu1*
Steven Aondona Ikurior2
Silvanus Ngbede Carew1
Email Author
Tel: +07039239677
1. Department of Animal Production, Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, P.M.B. 2373 Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
2. Department of Animal Nutrition, Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, P.M.B. 2373 Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Citation: Shaahu DT, Ikurior SA, Carew SN (2017). Effect of decorticating and cooking lablab seeds on performance and cost of producing table rabbits. Int. J. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 5(2): 18-22.
A study was conducted to compare feed value of rabbit diets containing decorticated and cooked lablab seeds. Four weaner-rabbits were assigned to each of treatments T1, T2 and T3 in a completely randomized design, with one rabbit serving as a replicate. Rabbits in T1 were fed toasted un-extracted soybeans as the main nitrogen source in diet. T2 and T3 diet contained decorticated lablab seeds and boiled lablab seeds respectively with shared contribution of dietary protein with soybeans on a 50:50 basis. Weight gains, feed intake, nutrient content of feed and faeces, and carcass parameters were taken and the data was analysed using analysis of variance. Daily weight gains were 14, 11 and 15 g; feed conversion was 3.1, 4.3 and 3.2, while carcass dressing% was 60, 55 and 57 for T1, T2 and T3 respectively. T1 exhibited higher Nitrogen-free-extract digestibility than the other treatments. There was no significant (P < 0.05) difference in
meat yield between the Treatments, but cost of production and profitability were best for T3. It was concluded that the use of lablab seeds boiled in water could be recommended for the feeding of growing rabbits.
Lablab-seed meat-rabbit processing response
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