Article abstract

International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science
Review Article | Published September 2018 | Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 42-51
Medicinal plants combating against human pathogens: A review
Kosar Batool1*
Sabira Sultana1
Naveed Akhtar1
Hafiz Muhammad Asif1
Naheed Akhtar2
Khalil Ahmad1
Aymen Owais3
Email Author
Tel: 03026768718.
1. University College of Conventional Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
2. Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Poonch, Rawalakot, AJ & K, Pakistan.
3. Jinnah University for Women, Karachi-74600, Pakistan.
Citation: Batool K, Sultana S, khtar N, Asif HM, Akhtar N, Ahmad K, Owais A (2018). Medicinal plants combating against human pathogens: A review. Int. J. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 6(3): 42-51.
The extensive acceptance of traditional medicine as an alternative form of healthcare and the alarming increase in the incidence of new and re-emerging infectious diseases bring about the need to investigate new medicinal plants. Another concern was the increase resistance of the antibiotics in current clinical use. Anti-microbial agents are irrefutably one of the most important therapeutic discoveries of the 20th century. However, with the beginning of ‘antibiotic era’ barely five decades old, mankind is faced the global problem of emerging resistance in virtually all microbes. During the last decade, the use of traditional medicine has gained popularity around the world. Recently, the herbal medicines serve the health needs of about 80% of the world’s population, especially for millions of people in the rural areas of developing countries. In recent years, many natural antibiotics have been in use in variety of infectious
diseases, mostly bacterial and fungal. The increasing incidence of drug-resistant microorganisms is a big threat to successful therapy of microbial diseases. Therefore, there is an urgent need of the time to search new antimicrobial compounds characterized by diverse chemical structures and mechanisms of action. The use of plant compounds as antimicrobial agents is interesting strategy for discovering bioactive products that in upcoming future could become useful therapeutic tools. Thus, it is an important task for the researcher to find out alternative medicine against dreadful human pathogens. This review can help researchers to explore herbs to further extents to find out the alternatives against the drug resistant human pathogens.
Antimicrobial activity
antibacterial activity
traditional medicine
medicinal plants
bioactive compound
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