Article abstract

International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science
Research Article | Published July 2019 | Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 38-48.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/ijbfs_v7i3.19.107
Physicochemical, functional and pasting properties of starch from breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) in gurudi snack production
Eke-Ejiofor, J*
Friday, U. B.
Email Author
Department of Food Science and Technology, Rivers State University, Nkpolu Oroworukwo, P.M.B. 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Citation: Eke-Ejiofor J, Friday UB (2019). Physicochemical, functional and pasting properties of starch from breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) in gurudi snack production. Int. J. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 7(3): 38-48.
This study investigated the physicochemical, functional, pasting properties of starch from breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) and sensory attributes of gurudi snack produced from the starches. Cassava starch gurudi was used as control. Firm, ripe and fresh breadfruits used for this study were processed to extract starch using standard procedures into fermented (FBS) and unfermented breadfruit starches (UFBS), with fermentation done for 24 h. Starches were analyzed for their physicochemical, functional and pasting properties. The starches were used to produce gurudi and product subjected to proximate analysis and sensory evaluation using a five-point hedonic scale. Results for the chemical composition of starches ranged from 13.33 to 18.37% for moisture, 0.10 to 0.83% for ash, 0.49 to 0.59% for fat, 1.83 to 3.13% for protein, 0.40 to 1.77% for fibre, 77.42 to 82.53% for carbohydrate, 25.20 to 27.52% for amylose, 44.58 to
56.92% for amylopectin, 70.25 to 84.44% for starch, 3.03 to 4.04% for sugar and 3.67 to 4.41% for starch damage respectively. Results of chemical analysis on breadfruit starches showed a significant difference (p ˂ 0.05) in protein, fibre and starch damage over cassava starch. Functional properties showed that both breadfruit starches had increased values in water absorption capacity (WAC) and swelling power over cassava starch. Unfermented breadfruit starch (UFBS) had increased value for color over fermented breadfruit (FBS) and cassava starches. FBS and UFBS were not significantly different (p < 0.05) in bulk density and swelling power. Pasting properties showed significant different (p ˂ 0.05) between cassava starch and breadfruit starch in all pasting properties except peak viscosity where all the starches were not significantly different (p˃ 0.05). Proximate analysis of the product (gurudi) showed that cassava starch gurudi had higher values for moisture 6.47 to 14.23%, ash 1.20
to 1.34%, fat 7.06 to 10.71% and protein 1.80 to .30% over breadfruit Gurudi. Unfermented and fermented breadfruit gurudi showed higher fibre of 3.13% and carbohydrate of 82.34% respectively, which may be as a result of the difference in starch origin and processing method (Fermentation). The protein content of cassava starch gurudi (CSG) and unfermented breadfruit starch gurudi (UFBSG) were not significantly different (P ˃ 0.05). The present study showed breadfruit starch as a potential raw material for the production of gurudi based on the proximate and sensory quality and other industrial application based on pasting properties.
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