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The role of communication media in mitigating climate change effects on agricultural production in Cross River State, Nigeria


Nneoyi Ina Ofem*, Ghinini F. Elemi and Ejeje I. Agube


Research Article | Published September 2013

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research, Vol. 1(3), pp. 46-54



Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management, University of Calabar, P.M.B. 1115, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.


*Corresponding author. E-mail: ofeminas@yahoo.com.  Tel: +2348098914210



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The study analyzed the role of communication media in mitigating climate change effects on agricultural production. The study was conducted in Cross River State, South East Nigeria. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse data generated from the field. The study revealed that climate change information available to farmers includes those from traditional weather forecasts (33.3%) and downscaled weather disaster predictions (30.3%). The study revealed further that the major sources of climate change information were those from members of the community (31.7%); Non-Governmental Agencies (29.2%) and traditional weather forecasters (18.9%). Channels of climate change information dissemination include: Town crier (73.1%), village meeting (61.7%), television (68.9%), radio (62.5%), neighbours (49.4%) and agricultural extension officers (37.5%). The study also shows that there is a strong and positive relationship (+0.7) between climate change information dissemination and farming activities. A test of significance for r shows that T-calculated (3.0996) was greater than the T-tabulated (1.812) implying that there is a significant relationship between climate change information dissemination and farming activities. In other words, climate change information made available to farmers on time could help them adapt and possibly mitigate adverse weather changes.


Key words: Agricultural production, climate change, communication media, mitigation.



Citation: Nneoyi IO, Ghinini FE, Ejeje IA (2013). The role of communication media in mitigating climate change effects on agricultural production in Cross River State, Nigeria. J. Agric. Crop Res. 1(3): 46-54.
