Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research
Research Article | Published November 2017 | Volume 5, Issue 5, pp. 85-95
Determination of appropriate seeding rate for oats/vetch mixtures grown under different drainage conditions of vertisols in the central highlands of Ethiopia
Gezahagn Kebede1*
Getnet Assefa2
Fekede Feyissa1
Alemayehu Mengistu3
Muluneh Minta1
Mamaru Tesfaye1
Email Author
1. Holetta Agricultural Research Center, P. O. Box 31, Holetta, Ethiopia.
2. Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, P. O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
3. Forage and Rangeland Scientist, Urael Branch, P. O. Box 62291, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Citation: Kebede G, Assefa G, Feyissa F, Mengistu A, Minta M, Tesfaye M (2017). Determination of appropriate seeding rate for oats/vetch mixtures grown under different drainage conditions of vertisols in the central highlands of Ethiopia. J. Agric. Crop Res. 5(5): 85-95.
The study was conducted to determine the optimum seeding rate for oats/vetch mixtures on vertisols and to evaluate the effect of waterlogging problem on productivity of oats/vetch mixtures during the main cropping seasons of 2012 and 2013 in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted on a split-split plot design with three drainage methods (camber beds (CB), ridges and furrows (RF) and flat beds (FB)) as a main plot, four oats/vetch species mixtures (CI-8251/Vicia dasycarpa, CI-8251/Vicia villosa, CI-8251/Vicia sativa and CI-8251/Vicia atropurpurea) as a sub plot and four oats/vetch mixtures seeding rates (75/25, 105/35, 135/45 and 165/55kg/ha for oats/vetch, respectively) as a sub-sub plot treatments replicated three times. The result depicted that drainage methods had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on plant height and DM yield of oats/vetch mixtures. The DM yield produced
from CB and RF were higher by 29.0 and 8.0%, respectively, over FB conditions, implying improved drainage methods have a tremendous contribution for oats/vetch mixtures to express their genetic potential due to reduced waterlogging stress when compared with FB conditions. On the other hand, CB showed 13.4 and 29.0% increments in plant height and DM yield respectively, compared to RF drainage conditions. The highest plant height and DM yield of oats/vetch mixtures were recorded from CB followed by RF and FB drainage conditions. On the other hand, relatively better mixtures DM yield was obtained from CI-8251/Vicia villosa followed by CI-8251/Vicia sativa and CI-8251/Vicia dasycarpa while CI-8251/Vicia atropurpurea produced the lowest mixtures DM yield under different drainage conditions. Generally, mixtures of CI-8251/Vicia villosa produced better plant height and DM yield under different drainage conditions on vertisols implying that these
mixtures had good compatibility and less sensitivity of Vicia villosa for waterlogging problems. The highest DM yield was obtained from seeding rate of 105/35 kg/ha followed by 135/45 kg/ha and 165/55 kg/ha while the lowest DM yield was recorded from the control (75/25 kg/ha) seeding rate. The DM yield of oats/vetch mixtures sown with seeding rates of 105/35, 135/45 and 165/55kg/ha had yield advantages of 7.6, 5.1 and 4.3%, respectively, when compared to the control (75/25 kg/ha) seeding rate. Therefore, seeding rate of 105/35 kg/ha is recommended for oats/vetch mixtures grown on vertisol conditions in the central highlands of Ethiopia.
Keywords Drainage methods
dry matter yield oats/vetch mixtures seeding rate
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