Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research
Research Article | Published September 2017 | Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 42-48
Influence of socio-economic characteristics on net farm income of broiler production in the southern agricultural zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Onuk E. G.
Umar H. S.
Girei A. A.*
Email Author
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.
Citation: Onuk EG, Umar HS, Girei AA (2017). Influence of socio-economic characteristics on net farm income of broiler production in the southern agricultural zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. J. Agric. Crop Res. 5(3): 42-48.
The study analyzed the economics of broiler production in the Southern Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State in Nigeria. The study adopted a multi-stage sampling technique to select 60 broiler farmers; primary data on items such as age, gender, level of education, and cost of production were collected with the aid of well structured questionnaire complemented with interviewing schedule. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, farm budgeting technique and multiple regression models. The findings revealed that majority (60%) of the broiler farmers were male and 58.3% had tertiary education, 50.0% had 1 to 5 persons in their households and 36.7% had 6 to 10 years farming experience. The study also revealed that 50.0% had small flock size between 100 and 200 birds. The costs and returns results showed the estimated total revenue of broiler farmers to be N331,941.67, with an estimated total cost of N162,167.99. The
estimated gross and net farm income were N182,177.77 and N169,833.61, respectively. The ROI was N1.05 which indicated that broiler production is profitable in the study area. The multiple linear regression of the factors influencing net profit showed the R2 to be 0.852 indicating that about 85.2% of the variation in the dependent variable was explained by the independent variables. Age, level of education, farming experience, and flock size had positive effects, while gender, marital status and household had negative effects on the net farm income of farmers involved in broiler production in the study area. Age was significant at 1%, level of education at 1%, gender at 10% and years of experience in poultry at 10%. However broiler production was constrained by inadequate credit, high cost of day old chicks, and high cost of feed, pest and diseases infestation, lack of electricity among others. Based on the findings it was concluded that broiler production is profitable and showed that
broiler production depends to a large extent on proper care and efficiency of the necessary resources used. The findings further reviewed that broiler farmers in the study area are faced with constraints such as high cost of feed, lack of electricity, high cost of day old chicks, disease outbreak and high cost of vaccines.
Keywords Socio-economic
characteristics net farm income broiler
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