Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research
Research Article | Published December 2018 | Volume 6, Issue 6, pp. 105-109.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jacr_v6i6.18.147
Leaf physiology and fruitfulness of grapevines (V. vinifera L.) as affected by rootstock use and sustained water deficit
Ömer Faruk Bilgin
Ali Sabir*
Zeki Kara
Email Author
University of Selcuk, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, 42075, Konya, Turkey. |
Citation: Bilgin ÖF , Sabir A, Kara Z (2018). Leaf physiology and fruitfulness of grapevines (V. vinifera L.) as affected by rootstock use and sustained water deficit. J. Agric. Crop Res. 6(6): 105-109.
Global climate change has forced researchers to improve sustainable strategies to efficiently use limited water sources. In this scope, the use of tolerant rootstocks and deficit irrigation are two essential issues. The present experiment was conducted to examine the effects of water stress on grafted or non-grafted grapevines of Alphonse Lavallée and Crimson Seedless and to compare the responses of two grapevine cultivars to contrasting irrigation methods. Genotypes responded differently to rootstock use and water deficit. Rootstock use markedly increased the stomatal conductance (gs) for both cultivars. Deficit irrigation treatment resulted in significant decreases in gs of overall vines, except for those own rooted Alphonse Lavallée cultivar. In both grafted and own rooted vines of Crimson Seedless, leaf temperature (Tleaf) was significantly higher in FI vines than those of DI. Findings demonstrated that there is a direct
positive response of gs to increasing Tleaf in two grapevine cultivars. But such response was cultivar-depended with a stronger response of Crimson Seedless cultivar.
Water deficit
plant stress
deficit irrigation
grapevine physiology fruitfulness
Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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