Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research
Research Article | Published
March 2019 | Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 38-46.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jacr_v7i3.19.110
Response of selected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivars to on-field biotic stress
Ayodele M. Ajayi*
Ganiyu F. Hassan
Email Author
Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management. Federal University of Technology, Akure, P M B, 704, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.
Citation: Ajayi AM, Hassan GF (2019). Response of selected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivars to on-field biotic stress. J. Agric. Crop Res. 7(3): 38-46.
Pathogenic diseases are major limitations to the cultivation of tomato in the humid rain forest agro-ecological zones (HRAZ). A study was designed to evaluate four cultivars of tomato (DT97/215A, Ajindi-kerewa, Dan-Syria and Roma VF) for tolerance to common field pathogens of the crop in the HRAZ. Analysis of soil preceded land preparation, while seeds and soil for the nursery were sterile. The land area for the field study was 200.60 m2, divided into 12 plots of 7.80 m2. Each plot had 30 tomato stands. The randomized complete block design consisting of three replicates was adopted. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis. Four diseases, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, Bacterial wilt and Tomato mosaic were identified with significantly different incidences and severities. Fusarium wilt was the most common, followed by Verticillium wilt, while tomato mosaic was the least. DT97/215A had 61.42% (incidence) and 28.81%
(severity) of fusarium wilt at 9 weeks after planting, making it the most susceptible. Ajindi-kerewa recorded 51.32% (incidence) and 16.19% (severity) in the same period. The least incidences of Fusarium and Verticillium wilt, 0.81% and 0.31% respectively, were recorded for Roma VF at 9 wap. No incidence of bacterial wilt and tomato mosaic was recorded for Dan-Syria. Roma VF and Dan-Syria gave 8.29 and 7.95 tonnes/ha yields respectively. Significantly lowest yield, 4.10 tonnes/ha was obtained from DT97/215A. Dan-Syria had the best shelf life, 77.49% intact fruits at 3 weeks after harvest. Dan-Syria and Roma VF can be recommended for cultivation in the HRAZ.
Pathogenic diseases
tomato cultivars
indisease incidence and severity
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