Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research

Research Article | Published December 2020 | Volume 8, Issue 12. pp. 289-296.



New drought-tolerant rainfed upland rice (Oryza sp.) genotypes adapted to the west, centre-west, and centre regions of Côte d'Ivoire




Noumouha E. N. Ghislain1*

Anguété Kouamé M.1

Bouet Alphonse1

Bahan Frank1

N’Guetta A. Simon-Pierre2

Keli Zagbahi Jules1


Email Author

Tel: +22533792279.


1. Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA), Station de Recherche de Man, B.P. 440 Man, Côte d’Ivoire.

2. Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, UFR Biosciences, Laboratoire de génétique, 02 B.P. 801 Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire.


Citation: Ghislain NEN, Kouamé AM, Alphonse B, Frank B, Simon-Pierre NA, Jules KZ (2020). New drought-tolerant rainfed upland rice (Oryza sp.) genotypes adapted to the west, centre-west, and centre regions of Côte d'Ivoire. J. Agric. Crop Res. 8(12):289-296. doi: 10.33495/jacr_v8i12.20.202.



To select new rainfed upland rice genotypes, adapted to the West, Centre-West, and Centre regions of Côte d'Ivoire, a study was conducted in research stations. Six genotypes (ART15-11-8-5-2-B-1, WAB891-SG12, WAB1092-B-40AB.1, ARCC3Fa3L10P1-1-B-1, and ART15-16-12 -3-1-B-1-B-3-1) including the control IDSA 10, widely cultivated across the country, were evaluated on three research stations of the National Center of Agricultural Research (CNRA), during the wet seasons of the year 2016 and 2017. These stations are located at the West, Center, and West-Center of Côte d'Ivoire. The trial was set up in a randomised complete block design with four replications. The agromorphological traits such as tillering ability, sowing-50% heading cycle, plant height, percentage of productive tillers, sowing-maturity cycle, and paddy yield were collected for each genotype. In all the environments evaluated, the genotypes ART15-11-8-5-2-B-1, WAB891-SG12, ARCC3Fa3L10P1-1-B-1, and ART15-16-12-3-1-B-1-B -3-1 were characterised by high percentages of productive tillers (87 to 91%), intermediate plant heights (114 to 121 cm), and high average paddy yields (2,601 to 2,810 kg/ha). Yield gains of these genotypes compared to the control ranged from 16 to 25%. The Genotype × Environment interaction (G × E) was highly significant for paddy yield (p < 0.001). The study of the interaction based on the first two principal components analysis of the GGE biplot, explained a 97% of the main effect of the Genotype and the G × E interaction. The polygon tool of the biplot suggested the existence of a single complex mega-environment. Visualizing the mean and stability of genotypes' paddy yield in the biplot indicated that genotypes ART15-11-8-5-2-B-1, WAB891-SG12, ARCC3Fa3L10P1-1-B-1, and ART15-16-12-3-1-B-1-B- 3-1 were more adapted to upland rice-growing regions of the West, Center-West, and Center of Côte d'Ivoire. These genotypes can be released for large scale rice production in these regions.

Keywords  Rainfed upland rice   G × E interaction   GGE biplot analysis   



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