Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research
Research Article | Published September 2020 | Volume 8, Issue 9. pp. 176-186.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jacr_v8i9.20.159
Exploring the determinants and constraints of smallholder vegetable farmers’ adaptation capacity to climate change: A case of Bogura District, Bangladesh
Muhammad Humayun Kabir1*
Md. Javed Azad2
Md. Nasirul Islam3
Email Author
1. Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
2. School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, Australia.
3. National University, Bangladesh.
Citation: Kabir MH, Azad J, Islam N (2020). Exploring the determinants and constraints of smallholder vegetable farmers’ adaptation capacity to climate change: A case of Bogura District, Bangladesh. J. Agric. Crop Res. 8(9):176-186. doi: 10.33495/jacr_v8i9.20.159.
Climate change adaptation strategies are one of the best alternatives to reduce the impacts of climate change on vegetable production. This paper examined the adaptation capacity level of the vegetable growers, determinants of their adaptation decision and constraints they are facing. Data were captured through a Questionnaire survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted with the farmers of Bogura district, Bangladesh. Frequency counts, mean, percentage, range and linear regression model, were used to analyze the data. The survey revealed that 52% of farmers had moderate adaptation capacity followed by 28 and 20% had low and high adaptation capacity respectively. There were nine strategies in the study area, some of which common are homestead vegetable gardening, alternative irrigation, use of integrated pest management (IPM), changing the sowing time, and vegetable beds are raised. Multiple regression analysis showed that
farmers adaptation capacity is characterized by their annual family income, contact with media, and distance of home to the market. Barriers to expanding adaptation strategies identified by farmers include: lack of information on climate change, shortage of land, lack of credit access, flood effect, absence of flood tolerant variety, poor soil fertility and shortage of labor. This paper recommends that the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) should provide more information focus to adaptation strategies to the farmers live close to the market, having less income and owner of small farm size.
Climate change
adaptation strategies
vegetable farming
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