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JEIBM - Abstract

Leadership’s role in shaping the organizational environment for sustainable change


Tamara P. Williams


Research Article | Published September 2016

Journal of Economics and International Business Management, Vol. 4(2), pp. 41-48.


Walden University, Aramat & Associates, Inc., (202) 600-1221.


*Corresponding author. E-mail: drwilliams@aramatandassociates.com, tpwilliams@hotmail.com




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Leadership is essential to shaping the organizational culture through a host of philosophies, tools, and resources. The role of leadership in molding organizational culture and promoting lasting success includes such elements as selecting appropriate behaviors and traits and employing successful tools and initiatives. This review is a unification of current theories from studies with significant practical implications in the field of leadership, organizational culture, and sustainability change initiatives. The amalgamation of topics is designed to begin to identify effective leadership strategies essential for establishing organizational goals and influencing sustained effectiveness of the company. The review begins with a statement of the problem then continues with a review of relevant literature to bring meaning to the various concepts. Findings indicate strategies and leadership behaviors to implement sustainable change initiatives successfully for long-term achievement. A discussion and recommendations for future research conclude the review highlighting the need for a systems approach to addressing the environment and implementing successful leadership strategies.


Keywords: Leadership, organizational behavior, sustainable change, change initiatives.


Williams TP (2016). Leadership’s role in shaping the organizational environment for sustainable change. J. Econ. Int. Bus. Manage. 4(2): 41-48.