Article abstract

Journal of Economics and International Business Management
Review Article | Published
October 2018 | Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 46-50.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jeibm_v6i3.18.113
New trends in tourism: Heritage and social media
Rejla Bozdo
Email Author
Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Albania.
Citation: Bozdo R (2018). New trends in tourism: Heritage and social media. J. Econ. Int. Bus. Manage. 6(3): 46-50.
According to OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2016, consumer trends are changing the tourism landscape. According to this study, trips are becoming shorter and people are searching for more unique, personalized experiences in alternative destinations. The growing demand for unusual experiences can bring into focus cultural heritage as an important part of this experience. This paper aims to give an insight on how nations, countries, regions or cities can communicate their cultural heritage mixed with other touristic elements to attract tourists by fulfilling the needs of having a unique experience. Cultural heritage can be promoted through social media, which is now very popular all over the world. Social media plays an important role in information search, decision-making behaviors, and tourism promotion and so business in tourism industry use social media to communicate to potential tourists with objectives that consider this
role. According to Global Web Index (GWI) as one of the most reliable research sources of social media statistics social media market is growing each year. Comparing to year 2016 active social media users have been increased by 21%. Specific data on social media usage give a better understanding how people behave on social networks and can help tourism industry to develop a successful communication strategy. It is of great importance to create attraction and interaction. Through social networks, people can become great promoters of the places they visit, or of the places they live. They can share their experiences and recommend places by impacting their friends with no cost for the business and high level of reliability because as we know “people trust friends”. This paper is based on secondary data and its main goal is to give a landscape of the increasingly important role that social media is playing in many aspects of tourism, and also in communicating cultural heritage. The main
goal of this paper is to give data that support the idea that social media can be used in a proper way that follows new touristic trends.
Social media
communication heritage
Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
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