Article abstract

Journal of Economics and International Business Management
Research Article | Published March 2020 | Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 21-29.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jeibm_v8i1.19.125
CSR’S Performance of Gold Proper Corporates in Indonesia
Sudharto P Hadi1, 2*
Bulan Prabawani1
Email Author
1. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.
2. Study Program of Environmental Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.
Citation: Hadi SP, Carvalho S, Prabawani B (2020). CSR’S Performance of Gold Proper Corporates in Indonesia. J. Econ. Int. Bus. Manage. 8(1): 21-29.
In Indonesia, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is mandatory to be implemented by corporates conducting their activities on and related to natural resources. One form of CSR is community development (comdev) required for corporates pursuing gold rank of proper (business performance rating). This study examines the role of CSR in contributing socio-economic condition of local people by observing 3 out of 12 industries gained gold rank proper in 2015. The scope of this study includes the corporate policy on CSR, type of CSR projects initiated by industry corporate and the social and economic impacts of CSR project to surrounding community. The study found that comdev projects could help villagers having an additional job, which in turn, can contribute to a family income. In addition, the comdev projects also improve villagers’ capability in organizing the project group. The comdev projects also help reduce environmental impacts
by practicing 3 R (reduce, reuse and recycle). The successful comdev project is always guided by local pioneers and has been replicated at other villages. The good CSR requires a roadmap showing steps followed to lead to self-reliant community.
Keywords CSR
gold proper corporates
environmental sustainability
Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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