Article abstract

Journal of Economics and International Business Management
Research Article | Published November 2021 | Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 94-101.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jeibm_v9i3.21.137
The effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Greece and the investigation of the role of spatial planning
Vasiliki Meleti
Email Author
Researcher, Department of Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University of Athens, Greece.
Citation: Meleti V (2021). The effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Greece and the investigation of the role of spatial planning. J. Econ. Int. Bus. Manage. 9(3): 94-101. doi: 10.33495/jeibm_v9i3.21.137.
The formulation of the Greek Green Deal plan will require introduction in concise format and in sentence form:a) the complete reorganization of the way the wider public sector operates b) basic interventions in the national energy policy, c) the reformation of contemporary urban morphology and structure. Modernization of the primary sector, the exploitation of mineral wealth, the support of shipping, d) the highlighting of the prospects for sustainable development and finally,e) the development of a green network in the island, f) the support of shipping and especially that of short distances, g) the highlighting of the prospects for sustainable development for over 27% of the national land area occupied by Natura 2000 sites and finally, h) the development of a green network in the island complexes by providing energy autonomy in 10-15 non-interconnected islands. The National Strategy lays the foundations for transiting to a new
model of fair, sustainable and inclusive development. It is also shaping a new paradigm of holistic public policy-making. The development of measurable objectives that can be achieved is essential to be defined so that the National Strategy can become effective in the future. This new paradigm attempts to initiate a virtuous cycle between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development. In the following discussion, it addresses the intervention areas of the ten business plans, describes the current situation and finally analyzes the new environment and challenges. In support of the theoretical part, a primary research was conducted using interviews. Methodologically the research was based on interviews and concluded that spatial distribution can help at the environmental level in the new era, given the current events and the needs of cities.
economic crisis
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs
Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
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