Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Research Article | Published December 2018 | Volume 6, Issue 7, pp. 98-111.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jerr_v6i7.18.146
Critical success factors for an outsourcing strategy in a multi-campus university setting: A case of University for Development Studies, Ghana
Job Asante
Email Author
Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, University for Development Studies, WA Campus, P.O. Box UPW 520, WA, Ghana.
Citation: Asante J (2018). Critical success factors for an outsourcing strategy in a multi-campus university setting: A case of University for Development Studies, Ghana. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 6(7): 98-111.
The objective of the research is to explore why some Higher Educational Institutions fail to get the benefits of outsourcing. The research aimed to achieve this by first establishing the critical success factors for outsourcing in a University and then discovering how well universities implement these factors. Respondents from the University for Development Studies, Wa campus were requested to rank on a Likert Scale the importance of and their performance on these critical factors. The importance and performance on these factors were ranked based on the means and standard deviations of their responses. Findings include a list of the most critical success factors for outsourcing in the University for Development Studies (UDS), Wa Campus. It was also discovered that the amount of effort going into these factors was disproportional to the level of importance of the factors. Only 25% of the respondents said outsourcing was a success. A framework was recommended to be used by the
university to improve their outsourcing.
success factors
non-core activities
Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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