Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Review

Research Article | Published January 2018 | Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 16-28

Education and employment of women in the extractive industry in Côte d'Ivoire: A comparative approach of SAM multipliers and multilevel indicators




Romuald Guédé

Email Author


Modeling and Analysis Laboratory of Economic Policy (LAMPE), Economics and Management UFR, Jean Lorougnon Guédé (UJLoG) University of Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire.



Citation: Guédé R (2018). Education and employment of women in the extractive industry in Côte d'Ivoire: A comparative approach of SAM multipliers and multilevel indicators. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 6(1): 16-28.






Economic and political crises of the last twenty years have undermined the performance of the Ivorian educational system. This paper aims to examine the link between public spending on education and the integration of women into the workforce in the extractive industry through the Social Accounting Matrix multipliers and the multilevel indicators (Garcia et al., 2008). The paper analyzes the nature of sectoral linkages, evaluates the capacity to propagate and the robustness of the economic system. An increase in public expenditure on education of 2.5%, leads to an additional increase of 2.06% in household income and 1.05% in female employment.


Keywords  Education   extractive industry   employment   social accounting matrix   network  


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