Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Research Article | Published October 2020 | Volume 8, Issue 8, pp. 138-143.


The Contribution of Monitoring for Academic Education





Cássia de Jesus Souza1
Marcelle Alvarez Rossi2
Danilo Barral de Araújo3*

Email Author


1. Dentist and Master's student in Interactive Processes of Organs and Systems, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.

2. Associate Professor, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.

3. Associate Professor II. Institute of Health Sciences - Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.




Citation: de Jesus Souza C, Rossi MA, de Araújo DB (2020). The Contribution of Monitoring for Academic Education. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 8(8): 138-143.






Monitoring in universities and university centers aims to initiate students in teaching and contribute to the improvement of undergraduate education through the articulation of theoretical and practical content, thus favoring the production of knowledge under the guidance of the teacher responsible for a specific curricular component. Monitoring allows students to develop skills associated with teaching and deepening their knowledge; however, there are elements that can hinder this practice, such as the conciliation of monitoring activities with regular academic activities. The objective of this study is to analyze the contribution of monitoring to learning and academic training in the Dentistry Course at UFBA. The sample of this research was composed of 34 students of both sexes, all in the condition of student-monitors of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. A quantitative questionnaire was applied to students in order to analyze various aspects on the monitoring practice. Students interviewed believed that monitoring is relevant for academic training and that this activity brings greater learning during its performance. Of all respondents, 94% believe that monitoring is relevant in initiating students in higher education teaching. Most interviewees reported that they have good relationship with the Advisor Teacher and with monitored students. Monitoring gives the student the opportunity to develop skills and competences associated with teaching, provides personal and professional growth and qualifies the curriculum of those who participate in this process.


Keywords  Academic performance   teaching   higher education 


Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0


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