Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Research Article | Published September 2020 | Volume 8, Issue 7, pp. 115-127.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jerr_v8i7.20.179
Research on the influence of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial policy on college students' entrepreneurial intention: Intermediary role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Chunping Wang1
Shujie Sun1
Ye Zheng1,2*
Email Author
1. School of Humanities, Economics and Law, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710072, PR China.
2. School of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts 01002, USA.
Citation: Wang C, Sun S, Zheng Y (2020). Research on the influence of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial policy on college students' entrepreneurial intention: Intermediary role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 8(7): 115-127.
Under the background of the high youth unemployment rate in the world, how to encourage college students to carry out entrepreneurial activities is the focus of the whole society. But even if government and college provide such a high-quality entrepreneurial platform for college students, the rate of youth entrepreneurship in the world is still relatively low. On the basis of the questionnaire of 385 college students concentrated in several colleges in Hubei Province of China, this paper used independent sample T test, single factor analysis method, multiple comparison test (LSD), correlation analysis, regression analysis and other empirical analysis methods to analyze the impact of entrepreneurial education as well as entrepreneurial policy on college students' entrepreneurial intention, and verified the intermediary role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. The research conclusions mainly included: (1) Part of the control variables will affect entrepreneurial intention; (2)
Entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial policy positively and significantly affect the entrepreneurial intention of college students; (3) Entrepreneurship self-efficacy plays an intermediary role in the influence of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial policy on entrepreneurial intention. According to the conclusion of the research, this paper put forward some suggestions for government, university as well as students, and tried to provide the gamut of support system of entrepreneurship, so as to stimulate the entrepreneurial intention of college graduates and improve the entrepreneurial rate.
College students
entrepreneurial intention
entrepreneurial education
entrepreneurial policy
entrepreneurial self-efficacy
intermediary role
countermeasures and suggestions
Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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