Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Review Article | Published April 2022 | Volume 10, Issue 4, pp.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jerr_v10i4.22.110
The interventional strategies of teaching and learning selected topics in mathematics: A case study of Odorgonno Senior High School, Ghana
Maxwell Appiah*
Eric Appau Asante
Email Author
Tel: +233 57 707 5444.
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, P.O Box Up 1279, NUST, Kumasi, Ghana.
Citation: Appiah M, Asante EA (2022). The interventional strategies of teaching and learning selected topics in mathematics: A case study of Odorgonno Senior High School, Ghana. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 10(4): 44-52.
doi: 10.33495/jerr_v10i4.22.110.
The purpose of this study was to examine interventional strategies which aided easier teaching and learning of selected topics in senior high schools using the case of Odorgonno Senior High School. Among the various topics in mathematics, the researcher-selected topics were Probability, Geometry, Algebra and Set. The main research approach that was adopted for this study was a descriptive research design. A non-probability sampling method was used to select the respondents, with a sample size of 20 students per program and all Core Mathematics teachers in the school. Data entry and analysis were done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22. The findings of the study indicated that Teachers were more influenced by the classroom environment and students learning ability. Also, students’ learning abilities such as thinking sequentially and procedurally, understanding mathematics concepts and principles and being able to provide reasons to support their
solutions motivated the teachers most. Both teachers and students agreed that the greatest learning and teaching strategy was to personalize the learning process by choosing what the learners could relate to, and utilize examples and assignments as a basis for class discussion. It was concluded based on the findings that factors such as utilizing examples and assignments as a basis for class discussion, ensuring that issues generating a disturbance in the classroom are addressed and that students' attention is maintained until the lesson is completed, students motivating each other to learn mathematics and the creation of learning groups are interventional strategies that would aid teaching and learning of mathematics in Odorgonno Senior High School. It is recommended that the management of GES should encourage and train teachers on the use of the curriculum as a tool for selecting appropriate teaching strategies. The training of teachers should not be a one-time event.
interventional strategies
teaching strategies
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