Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Research Article | Published May 2023 | Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 57-67.


Challenges in capstone project supervision by academic faculty: A case study




Avihai Shurin1,2*
Shraga Shoval3

Nitza Davidovitch4

Email Author

1. Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Social Sciences, Ariel University.

2. SCE, Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel..

3. Faculty of Engineering, Ariel University, Israel.

4. Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ariel University, Israel.



Citation: Shurin A, Shoval S, Davidovitch N (2023). Challenges in capstone project supervision by academic faculty: A case study. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 11(4):57-67. doi: 10.33495/jerr_v11i4.23.114.





Supervision of capstone projects in engineering programs is an interdisciplinary challenge, for both students and Faculty. The project considered the highlight of the undergraduate program, summarizes all the knowledge students have accumulated throughout their studies and aims to train them for the challenges of graduate engineers. Although the project is usually perceived as leading to successful products and learning outcomes, pedagogical disparities are emerging, emphasizing a deep need for change. This study examines the essence of capstone supervision in Mechanical Engineering, the faculty’s role within it, and stakeholders’ perception, using questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and analysis of primary sources. The study reveals that in contrast to the significance of supervision found to stakeholders, Faculty are under considerable pressure and perceive the significance of supervision as low, and as a time-consuming task, without proper compensation. The current processes show significant pedagogical disparities and limitations, resulting in low interest from academic supervisors. In addition, the academic institution was found to have dissatisfaction with the faculty’s supervision, even though there are no clear definitions or guiding methods for the supervisors. Accordingly, academic institutions must create greater motivation, interest, and compensation among Faculty. It is necessary to reduce the load on supervisors and to foster independent functioning by students. Effective supervision is essential for success and student development, which requires a deep need for proper preparation and training Faculty to be supervisors. Desired learning outcomes should be updated in order to optimally prepare the students for their future role, and maintain the relevance of academic institutions.


Keywords  Capstone project supervision   final project in engineering   supervisor-lecturer  

 engineering education   engineering faculty   instructional methods (syn: pedagogy)   faculty training


Copyright © 2023 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0


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