Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Research Article | Published January 2024 | Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 1-11.


Evaluating the Impact of E-Learning and Online Assessment on Engineering Education in Oman HEIs during COVID-19: A Mixed-Method Study



Mohammed Al Siyabi1

Abid Ali Khan1,2*

Tariq Hussain1

Hussain Al Rashdi1

John Regan Pillai1

Email Author

1. Military Technological College, Musca, Oman.

2. Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Citation: Al Siyabi M, Khan AA, Hussain T, Al Rashdi H, Pillai JR (2024). Evaluating the Impact of E-Learning and Online Assessment on Engineering Education in Oman HEIs during COVID-19: A Mixed-Method Study. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 12(1):1-11. doi: 10.33495/jerr_v12i1.23.143.





This study investigates the impact of e-learning and online assessments on engineering education in Oman's higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research used a mixed-method approach to collect data from 380 students and faculty members from the Military Technological College and other HEIs in Oman. The qualitative data analysis revealed significant issues with online learning, while the quantitative analysis showed that technical problems affected the majority of students. Assessment data showed an improvement in average performance for first and second-year students in online assessments compared to physical assessments. However, the data was limited to one college in Oman, and future research will focus on other institutions. This study addresses a gap in the literature by examining the effects of e-learning on engineering education in Oman and highlighting the challenges from a regional perspective.


Keywords  E-learning   engineering education   mixed method   online assessment   student performance 


Abbreviations: HE, Higher Education; ICT, Information and Communication Technology; MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses; SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; SPSS, Statistical Package for Social Sciences; SQU, Sultan Qaboos University; UNESCO, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0


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