Article abstract

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews
Research Article | Published
May 2024 | Volume 12, Issue 5, pp.
doi: https://doi.org/10.33495/jerr_v12i5.24.106
Unconventional pedagogies for active learning to transform engineering education
Shanta Dutta1
Yuying Zhang2
Zibo Xu2
Tak-Ming Chan1
Daniel C.W. Tsang*2
Email Author
Tel: +852-3469-3133.
1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
Citation: Dutta S, Zhang Y, Xu Z, Chan T, Tsang DCW (2024). Unconventional pedagogies for active learning to transform engineering education. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 12(4):77-86.
doi: 10.33495/jerr_v12i5.24.106.
Pedagogical practices critically shape students’ learning and development of transferable skills. This review spotlighted the concepts of learner-centric unconventional pedagogic approaches for active learning and reflected on their potential benefits in higher education. Contrasting to passive knowledge acquisition in traditional lecture-based instructional methods, implementing unconventional pedagogies at the university level may generate a range of significant benefits for augmenting students’ holistic learning experiences and realizing intended learning outcomes. State-of-the-art interactive pedagogies, such as experiential learning, problem-based learning, flipped classrooms, etc. can facilitate active student engagement, foster creativity, nurture critical thinking, and instill intrinsic motivation for self-directed learning among engineering students. Moreover, they help cultivate crucial leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills that are highly valued in dynamic
workforces worldwide. By integrating real-world applications and personalized learning experiences, unconventional pedagogies may deepen students’ understanding of subject materials and strengthen the connections between theoretical concepts and practical applications. This enhanced alignment prepares students more effectively for the complex and varied demands of their future careers in the ever-evolving world. Conceptual understanding and examples illustrated in this review might inspire the strategic adoption of unconventional pedagogic approaches for the holistic development of well-rounded, adaptable, and competent graduates and realize a paradigm shift in engineering education.
Active Learning
interactive classroom
learning theory
student-centered pedagogy
self-directed learning
tertiary education
Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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