Article abstract

International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science
Research Article | Published November 2017 | Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 48-55
Lipid profile and protective effects of aqueous extracts of some leguminous plant sprouts against doxorubicin-induced organs impairment in female wistar rats
Oseni Olatunde Abass
Email Author
Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Ekiti State University, Nigeria.
Citation: Oseni OA (2017). Lipid profile and protective effects of aqueous extracts of some leguminous plant sprouts against doxorubicin-induced organs impairment in female wistar rats. Int. J. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 5(4): 48-55.
Doxorubicin is one of the anthracycline drugs used in the treatment of cancer but with an attendant cardiotoxicity. Hence, this study aims to investigate the lipid profile and the protective effects of aqueous extract of seedlings of three leguminous plants: honey beans, big white beans (Vigna unguiculata) and African yam beans (Spenostylis stenocarpa) on doxorubicin induced organs damage in female Wistar albino rats. The sprouts of the three beans were obtained after 4 weeks of planting and the respective aqueous extracts were obtained and used to treat female rats that were induced with different concentrations of doxorubicin per unit body weight. The animals were sacrificed under chloroform anesthesia after induction and treatment for 28 days. The total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, triglycerides and lipid peroxidation were determined from plasma, liver, heart and kidney using standard methods.
The results showed that doxorubicin significantly and progressively lowered the cardiac tissues triglycerides, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) and total cholesterol, while significantly causing elevation in low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-Cholesterol) and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations when compared to the control group, while 10% aqueous extract of the various sprouts produced significantly, the reversal to the control level in concentration dependent manners. These results however showed that doxorubicin is a potential organ impaired drug, while the aqueous sprouts extracts produce protective effects on the organs which support the folkloric use of aqueous extract of the plant in the management of suspected patients with organs impairment.
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