Article abstract

Journal of Economics and International Business Management
Research Article | Published June 2018 | Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 10-19
Statistical arbitrage on the KOSPI 200: An exploratory analysis of classification and prediction machine learning algorithms for day trading
Ian Sutherland
Yesuk Jung*
Gunhee Lee
Email Author
Department of Business Analytics, Sogang Business School, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea.
Citation: Sutherland I, Jung Y, Lee G (2018). Statistical arbitrage on the KOSPI 200: An exploratory analysis of classification and prediction machine learning algorithms for day trading. J. Econ. Int. Bus. Manage. 6(1): 10-19.
In this study, several machine learning methods on the representative stock market index of South Korea and the Korean Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) 200 were tested as machine learning has become ubiquitous in the financial field for asset selection. Compared to other major global stock markets, KOSPI has remained relatively flat over time. Despite the extremely low overall market growth, all of the tested models experienced annualized returns between 2.4 and 7.5 times the KOSPI 200 index over the same period. Even after applying an overestimated 0.5% transaction fee per daily trade the models beat out the market by a notable margin. While all tested models outperformed the market significantly, some models outcompeted the other tested models. A highlight of the present research is determining whether predicting class labels or predicting values is preferable in machine learning-driven daily trading algorithms. Four
classification models - logistic regression, random forest, deep neural network, gradient-boosted trees - are compared to four prediction models - multiple regression, random forest, deep neural network, gradient-boosted regression trees. Additionally, an equally-weighted ensemble of the classification models is compared to an equally -weighted ensemble of the prediction models. Of the total of ten models, classification techniques which tend to outcompete prediction techniques by a slight margin was shown, and all models outperform the market.
Keywords Statistical arbitrage
machine learning random forests gradient boosted trees deep neural networks
Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
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