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JERR - Abstract

Cooperative Learning Models having better potency to improve Social Attitude of Multiethnic Senior High School Students at Samarinda, Indonesia


Didimus Tanah Boleng1* and A. Duran Corebima2


Research Article | Published May 2014

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, Vol. 2(3), pp. 36-44



1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mulawarman, Indonesia.

2Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, State University of Malang, Indonesia


*Corresponding author. Email: didimus.tanahboleng@yahoo.com.  Tel: 0541-206138, 081217525404.  




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A quasi experimental research was conducted on the 11th grade science students of Multiethnic Senior High School in Samarinda. Samarinda is a destination of job seekers who come from almost all regions of Indonesia, so its population ethnicities is very heterogenous. The aim of the study is to uncover which learning models have better potency to empower student social attitudes of all ethnicities involved in class. The samples are students of 11th grade of Natural Science class of senior high school. The number of samples is 132 students. The research instrument is a questionnaire for measuring the student social attitudes. All items in the questionnaire are valid and reliable (range of Pearson Correlation value = 0.341 to 0.701, and Cronbach alpha value = 0.585 to 0.819). The learning models applied were Cooperative Script, Think-Pair-Share, combination of Cooperative Script and Think-Pair-Share, as well as conventional learning. The ethnicities involved are Javanese, Bugis, Banjar, and Kutai. This research was conducted in odd semester of academic year 2012/2013. Six classes used were equivalent based on the National Final Examination score. Data analysis was carried out by factorial ANCOVA (p < 0.05). Related to the interaction between the learning model and the ethnicity, result of posthoc analysis showed that combination of Cooperative Script and Think-Pair-Share learning model is suitable to improve the social attitudes of the students of the four ethnic groups. Similar research needs to be done in the future to get more information about this issue.


Keywords: Cooperative script, think-pair-share, social attitude, multiethnic students.

Citation: Boleng DT, Corebima AD (2014). Cooperative Learning Models having better potency to improve Social Attitude of Multiethnic Senior High School Students at Samarinda, Indonesia. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 2(3): 36-44.
