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JERR - Abstract

Interrater reliability of University of Ibadan teaching practice scores


Fehintola, J. O.


Research Article | Published September 2014

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, Vol. 2(6), pp. 89-97



Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.


Email: joseph.fehintola@gmail.com. Tel: 08162023919.




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This study investigated the relative effectiveness of interaction analysis on inter rater scores of the teaching practice of undergraduate students in University of Ibadan. The sample used for the study consisted of undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan which had undergone teaching practice exercise between 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 academic sessions for both regular and part-time students. One hundred and ninety-five students’ scores for the teaching practice exercise for two raters were used for the study. To examine the extent to which the interrater scores influence the result of the exercise, Scott Reliability formular was used. Results showed that the reliability coefficient is r = 0.92. This means that the two raters’ scores are relatively close. This study suggests that rating of teaching practice students by two or more raters (supervisors) enhances the ethics of the practice as the interaction agreement between raters score gives new dimension of obtaining true score of students and it prevents victimization of the student teachers in some quarters. It is recommended that stakeholders responsible for producing teachers in our schools make provision for enough supervisors that will supervise teaching practice students and this supervisor must be equipped and trained with the pedagogy to rate.


Keywords: Interrater scores, reliability, teaching practice, undergraduate students, faculty.

Citation: Fehintola JO (2014). Interrater reliability of University of Ibadan teaching practice scores. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 2(6): 89-97.
