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JERR - Abstract

Evaluating math problem solutions with Mathcad software


Navchaa Tserendorj* and Densmaa Maani


Research Article | Published September 2014

Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, Vol. 2(6), pp. 98-107



Department of Mathematics, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia.


*Corresponding author. Email: navchaa@smcs.num.edu.mn




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The study aimed to describe links between methods of assessing and teaching mathematics. Specifically, it tried to evaluate the effectiveness of the Mathcad software as a tool in assessing mathematics and its impacts to improved teaching and learning achievements. Teachers often face overburdened tasks to assess and evaluate students learning progresses - attainment of new knowledge and skills – through manuals checks of complicated multi-stage math problem solutions and computations. Thus, it required to prepare worksheets with problem solutions using Mathcad, in order to guide and check students’ problem-solving activities. MSW-application (Mathcad-based worksheets with problem-solving computations) was experimented in both traditional teaching environment and Moodle-based learning management system setting. This study assumes the hypothesis that using this software will help both students and teachers to improve learning and teaching activities and efficiency. Under the study, 3-year long experiments were carried out among students, majored in software engineering at National University of Mongolia, during the Linear algebra and Analytical geometry course in 2010 to 2013. The experiments covered 4 experimental groups of 98 students and another 4 control groups of 96 students for three years. Of them, 85% were new students covered throughout the experiments and continued their studies consistently during this period. The study confirmed positive progresses and achievements in regard to teachers’ efficiency to evaluate students’ tasks by assessing problem solutions and calculations and responding to students on their performance. Moreover, MSW had more positive impacts within Moodle environment than traditional environment.


Keywords: Computer algebra system, Mathcad, worksheet of solutions, learning management system, programmed instruction.

Citation: Tserendorj N, Maani D (2014). Evaluating math problem solutions with Mathcad software. J. Edu. Res. Rev. 2(6): 98-107.
