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MAPRJ - Abstract

Seed germination of some endemic Sideritis species under different treatments.


Ahmet Gümüşçü


Research Article | Published February 2014

Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research Journal, Vol. 2(1), pp. 1-5



Selçuk University, Cumra Vocational College, 42500, Çumra-Konya, Turkey. E-mail: agumuscu19@yahoo.com



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Plant material was represented by: Sideritis congesta P.H. Davis et Hub.-Mor., Sideritis condensata Boiss. et Heldr., Sideritis leptoclada O. Schwarz et. P.H. Davis, Sideritis tmolea P.H. Davis and Sideritis libanotica Labill. ssp. linearis. All of these plant materials are endemic to Turkey. Generally, Sideritis species has problems in seed germination. Therefore, the research on the cultivation of such species via seeds has difficulties. For this reason, some treatments were used to solve this problem, such as different gibberellic acid doses, stratification and hot water applications. The gibberellic acid doses were used 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm, at room temperature and 8 h light, 16 h of darkness in the laboratory conditions. According to the results, the best germination rate was determined by control group of Sideritis congesta species between stratification and hot water applications, while those the best result was 100 and 750 ppm gibberellic acid doses by Sideritis condensata species among different doses.


Keywords: Sideritis, Lamiaceae, germination, gibberellic acid, seed applications, endemic.



Citation: Gümüşçü A (2014). Seed germination of some endemic Sideritis species under different treatments. Med. Aromat. Plant Res. J. 2(1): 1-5.
