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IJBFS - Abstract

Application of phytochemical extracts and essential oils in food products: A review


Ajayi Adeyinka1* and Fuchs Richard2


Review Article | Published April 2015

International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science, Vol. 3(3), pp. 31-35



1Department of Food Science and Technology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria.

2Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.


*Corresponding author. E-mail: checkyinka2010@yahoo.com.   



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Plant extracts and essential oils are increasingly becoming important in the food industry. Their antimicrobial and antioxidant abilities coupled with the increasingly negative consumer-led views on artificial preservatives have strengthened the argument for the incorporation of extracts in foods. This study seeks to reveal the critical factors that have favoured the adoption of extracts by the food industry and also shed more light on the hitherto grey area in the world of plant extracts and oils. The study also reveals the positive organoleptic effects these extracts have on foods and also the possibility of exploring possible synergies derived from extract combinations. It is recommended that more work is done in the area of antimicrobial synergies and ensuring balance between food safety and quality concerns.


Keywords: Artificial preservatives, essential oils, foods, plant extracts, organoleptic effects, synergies.


Citation: Adeyinka A, Richard F (2015). Application of phytochemical extracts and essential oils in food products: A review. Int. J. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 3(3): 31-35.
