RJPPS - Aims and Scope
The Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (RJPPS) serves as a means for updating the scientific knowledge of the international audience in the pharmaceutical sector. Issues published in RJPPS will be released once in three months.

Articles submitted to the journal would be considered under the following areas;
  • Pharmaceutics

  • Pharmaceutical Technology

  • Drug Delivery

  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology

  • Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

  • Nanotechnology

  • Biopharmaceutics

  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

  • Industrial Pharmacy

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance

  • Organic Chemistry

  • Medicinal Chemistry

  • Green Chemistry

  • Pharmacology and Toxicology

  • Pharmacy Practices which includes Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy, Natural Products, Regulatory Affairs and Pharmaceutical Marketing Research, Social and Administrative Pharmacy.