Table of Content: December, 2016; 4(5)
Research article
EIqra Ghaffar, Faiza Shams, Aleena Khalid, Fareeha Ashraf, Raima Rehman and Muhammad Irfan Fareed
With the increasing volume of world population there is relative increased demand of food. Conventional breeding methods are no longer viable to overcome this situation. The fields of biotechnology and molecular biology have revolutionized agriculture and.... Read more
Abstract »
PDF (441 K) | Published Dec. 21, 2016 |
pages. 72-80
Total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN) and trimethylamine (TMA) content of “Bunyi youri” as influenced by the addition of glucose and clove during storage

Research article
Paul Y. Idakwo, Charles A. Negbenebor, Mamudu H. Badau and David I. Gbenyi
The levels of total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN) and trimethylamine (TMA) formed in a traditional fermented solar tent dried fish during storage at ambient temperature were investigated as indices of spoilage. The results showed that the concentration of TVBN (mg N/100 g) in.... Read more
Abstract »
PDF (303 K) | Published Dec. 26, 2017 |
pages. 81-85